Food services and food safety support in London
I am Steve James, a highly experienced expert in Food Hygiene, Health and Safety and Environmental Health Services in London providing advice and ensuring compliance with legal standards. I believe in tailoring my services to meet the exact needs of my customers and in so doing I can provide a cost effective benefit to your business.
Food Safety Audits
Support your business to higher standards
As part of an ongoing compliance programme, or in response to a poor FHRS score from your local authority, Steve will undertake a detailed audit, highlighting areas for improvement. These audits will be prioritised for action and suggest remedial measures and improvements. They will also review your existing food safety management system. The reports are simple to understand, with clear photos and can be used to demonstrate completion of tasks and to compare against previous audits with a scoring system and suggested “FHRS” rating score. Some clients use them to inform managerial performance

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme FHRS
“Scores on the doors”
The local authority will rate your business from 0 – 5. You do not want a 0 and 5 is a top rating. Based on structural standards, hygienic practices and the way you manage your business, this is the standard that the public use to dine out or buy a takeaway – you need at least a 3-rating to work with delivery companies. Steve can carry out a pre-inspection audit to advise you to the highest score, or can help (liaising with the authority) to put you in a strong position to apply for a re-score. You will soon be obliged by law to display your sticker regardless of score!
Safer Food Better Business (SFBB)
Small catering business, takeaway or retailer?
Developed by the Food Standards Agency and suitable for most businesses, these packs help to put in place the standards and procedures to operate safely. Steve will visit your site and help to complete your documentation so it accurately covers your activities and satisfies the local authority. Steve will demystify your concerns and work with your team on how to keep the daily checks and other records required to manage your business safely.

Food Safety Management
HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
Due Diligence
A risk management-based system that identifies critical issues in your food management system, controls hazards and provides validation of your systems. Steve offers bespoke documentation, with comprehensive Due Diligence records to ensure food safety compliance and your business operating at the highest standards.
Food Complaints, Suspected food poisoning?
Protect your reputation.
Steve is experienced in working for some of London’s top hotels in handling customer complaints on your behalf. Suspected food poisoning and food complaints are thoroughly investigated, working with the local authority where necessary, toward a report that can be used to inform your customer response.

BRC or SALSA Accreditation
Work with the big guys
The larger retail outlets will need to show BRC or SALSA accreditation. This is a stringent set of standards for any organisation. Steve can help develop policies and procedures, training and advice on the standards required to achieve this accreditation.
Dark or Ghost kitchen, takeaway, click & collect or delivery service
A COVID “success”
Home delivery food sales increased by 50% during COVID. Deliveroo, Just Eat and Uber deliveries are common place now, with many new food businesses operating from rented kitchens. They all require a minimum rating of FHRS 3 to operate. Steve has significant experience working with “start-up” and business-change operations to ensure all required standards are met to bring success as a “Dark kitchen” tenant or an existing business supplementing their restaurant operation with takeaway and delivery services.

Food Allergens
Nuts to you – life or death to some
Around two million people are thought to live with a food allergy in the UK and about 10 people die each year. Food business operators in the retail and catering sector are required to provide allergen information and follow labelling rules. This includes providing allergen information to the consumer for both prepacked and non-prepacked food and drink and to handle and manage food allergens effectively in food preparation. Food businesses must also make sure that staff receive training on allergens.
From October 2021, food businesses must provide allergen labelling information for “Prepacked for Direct Sale” (PPDS) e.g., sandwiches. Foods will need to have a label with a full ingredients list with allergenic ingredients emphasised within it to help people with a food allergy or intolerance make safe food choices.
Steve can protect your business and help make your business safe for your customers.
Food Sampling
Not as tasty as it sounds
Steve works with a laboratory to develop a testing suite for your business. This may cover, shelf-life testing, microbiological and allergenic food sampling, water and chemical sampling and also assist in determining food complaints. Steve will arrange to submit samples for analysis and assist with interpretation of results. Another important use of sampling is the validation of cleaning practices and personal hygiene standards.

Food Hygiene training
Better trained staff will significantly improve your business
Steve works with the best and most experienced trainers, delivering courses on Food Safety, Health & Safety and Allergen Awareness to ensure your staff maintain the highest and safest legal and catering standards. Training must be commensurate with the activities carried out by your staff and needs to be refreshed whenever business practices change or staff take on additional responsibilities, supplemented when there is new legislation and refreshed at least every three years.